Serves 4
• 1 spatchcock chicken
• 2 T Cajun spice
• Olive oil
• 2 sweet potatoes
• Herb yoghurt dip
• Salt and black pepper
1. To prepare your butterflied/spatchcock chicken turn it breast side down. Remove the spine by cutting along each side of the spine from the neck downward. Turn the chicken over and press down so it lays flat.
2. Pour over a good lug of olive oil and season with Cajun spice.
3. For the sweet potato crisps slice each potato thinly with a mandolin slicer or a knife.
4. Light a CobbleStone and wait a few minutes until it has turned grey. Or, if you don’t have a CobbleStone on hand, ready your briquettes in the Cobb Cooker.
5. Place the Grill Grid and the Fenced Roast Rack on the Cobb Cooker and close the Dome Lid. Leave it for at least 5 minutes until it has heated up.
6. Place your Chicken skin side down onto the Fenced Roast Rack and cover with the Dome Lid. Let the chicken cook like this for about 30 minutes until the skin is golden and crispy then turn over and cook for a further 20-30 minutes.
7. Remove the chicken and set aside to keep warm. Replace the Fenced Roast Rack with the Griddle.
8. Brush your sweet potato crisps with a little olive oil and place onto the Griddle. Cook for about 5-6 minutes on each side until cooked through and golden.
9. Serve your spicy spatchcock chicken with the sweet potato crisps and herb yoghurt dipping sauce.
Serves 4
• 1 cup Greek yoghurt
• 1 T parsley, chopped
• 1 T coriander, chopped
• 1 T dill, chopped
• Zest of 1/2 lemon
• Squeeze of lemon juice
• Salt and black pepper
1. Combine all ingredients and mix together. Season with a good pinch of salt and black pepper.
2. Serve as a deliciously light and herby sauce for meat, chicken or fish as well as over potatoes.