Place one empty rack lined with cheesecloth in the top rack position.
Using Hickory flavour bisquettes, smoke/roast almonds at approximately 90°C (200°F) for about 3 hours.
Stir nuts around every ten minutes to ensure even exposure.
At 1.5 hours alternate rack positions to allow even smoking.
Cool and store in airtight containers.
To Serve
Smoked Almonds make an addictive snacking treat. A great hit at parties, they also make a welcome addition as hiking snacks. Other nuts, such as cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts or pecans can also be smoked, but make sure to stir nuts as you smoke to guarantee an evenly smoked product.
For Sugar-spiced Smoked Nuts beat an egg white with a tsp of water until frothy. Remove nuts from smoker after 2 hours and toss in the egg white, then toss in 250 ml (1 c) sugar and 15 ml (1 tbsp) pumpkin pie spice. Continue smoking process for last hour.